Friday Nov 01, 2024
Do I Need To Replace All Of My Windows At Once?
"We've got a great financing partner that has amazing terms - % for 18 months with no minimum monthly payment required. So I have some people,
they'll finance it and they won't even pay a payment for 10 months. As long as it's paid off within 18 months, you have no interest."
- Lyndol Woodruff, Window Expert
Lyndol Woodruff joins Jim Klauck, aka Check A Pro Joe on the show today. Check A Pro Joe asks window expert, Lyndol Woodruff - Do I Need To Replace All Of My Windows At Once?
Check out this podcast to find out...
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Podcast Episode Transcript:
It would be really strange if our homes didn't have windows.
Um I'll tell you an upside though.
If we lived in the earth,
like in the earth,
not on the earth,
it would be a lot easier to control the temperature in our home.
We wouldn't even need H VAC systems.
We would just be perfect.
that's not the way we live.
Uh We live above ground,
which is great.
We have windows in our home.
So I wanna talk about windows today on the program.
So I asked my friend Lyndol Woodruff to join me here from Woodruff Windows.
How you doing,
How about yourself?
Live in the dream.
My friend live in the dream.
a question has come in here to the studio and this question has come up over the years and I think it's a fair question about windows when people get their windows replaced,
let's say it's a decent size home and there's 30 windows,
which that happens all the time.
30 windows is a,
is a rough number.
Do they have to replace all the windows at once or can it be done in stages?
Maybe just do the front or the back,
from an efficiency standpoint to get the maximum benefits.
Absolutely all at once,
for sure.
because to get,
you know?
because you don't want it to be efficient on one side and not the other.
if you're gonna get a home improvement done,
we do it all at once.
if you're gonna get your kitchen done,
you don't get half the kitchen done.
Like the old countertops on that side of the kitchen,
but we'll put new countertops here.
the fridge is on this side.
So we'll get a new fridge,
but we'll leave the stove,
which is on the other side.
do it all at once.
it just makes more sense to get everything done because when you're out there doing the work and I know you guys are very conscientious and you do a great job.
You really don't want the crew to come back out again.
Because it's a little inconvenient to have your windows replaced.
It's definitely more cost effective for sure to do it all at the same time.
You know,
I mean,
windows is an investment naturally.
Some people want to know.
I want,
I need to split it up up for cost sake.
We've got a great financing partner that has amazing terms as far as,
you know,
0% for 18 months with no minimum monthly payment required.
So I have some people,
they'll finance it and they won't even pay a payment for 10 months.
As long as it's paid off within 18 months,
you have no interest.
So some people get a few more bonuses at work before they even make a payment.
You know.
So why not use somebody else's money to get it done now?
Because that's gonna be the maximum benefit to your home.
you're gonna see a great drop in your bills immediately.
That's the great thing about windows.
You don't have to wait for the R O I,
you know,
the moment you get them all switched out,
it already starts performing.
um I highly recommend and of course,
it's more cost effective to do it all at the same time because we're not making multiple trips and,
you know,
it's one pickup from the factory and we come and bring all the windows to the property and stay until it's done,
you know.
So we price in it a little bit different from one shot as opposed to phases.
It just makes a whole lot of sense.
Um And you're right,
the R O I is gonna happen real quick.
Uh It doesn't matter if it's summer or winter,
the air conditioning and heating system is gonna feel it immediately.
And also it's not just saving money on the actual energy cost,
it's going to allow your H VAC system to last longer because it's not running as hard and you're gonna be more comfortable.
So on those really,
really hot days that we get here in Texas,
it's not gonna be as hot anymore.
Regardless of how hard your air conditioning system works.
If you have substandard windows,
you're gonna be miserable.
I had a lady put a Google Review the other day.
That was astounded because her laundry room used to be smoldering.
It was always in the direct beam of sunlight and her Google review literally said it was so strange to stand in my laundry room and be in a direct beam of sun and feel no temperature change.
That's incredible.
I mean,
it's really astounding,
you know,
I mean,
whatever you set that thermostat to your home is gonna heat or cool to that temperature much faster because you're not losing that air and then it's your HVAC system just cuts off and it can take a much longer nap before it has to readjust your home temperature.
Just keeps everything a lot more level.
So it's,
it's really neat.
thank you so much for joining me today on the program.
I appreciate all of Lyndon's information from Woodruff is located in the description of this podcast.
It's easy to get a hold of him.
click to go see his website right from there.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
Have a good one.
See you later.